Feelings of severe despondency and dejection, better known as depression, usually occurs when self-doubt creeps in. This serious illness is caused by changes in brain chemistry. Other contributing factors include genetics, changing hormonal levels, certain medical conditions, stress, difficult life situations and grief.
Although depression is an illness that is not to be easily dismissed, it sadly happens to be a common one as well. It affects about one in five women, and one in ten men at some point in their lifetime. This illness doesn't discriminate, affecting people of every age, social and economic background and educational level.
It tends to affect almost every aspect of its victim's life, depending on its severity. Draining your strength, hope and drive, it seems almost impossible to overcome it. However, with serious determination and action, one can bounce back.
Cultivate Supportive Relationships
Emotional connection from supportive relationships helps to build up your spirit.
1) Make sure to talk to someone face to face. Freely expressing your emotions while conversing massively helps in clearing your mind and heart.
2) Join a support group for depression
3) Participate in as many social activities as possible
This can be used as a natural antidepressant medication. It reduces stress, releases endorphins to energize you and acts as a way to get away from negative thoughts. Do this for at least thirty minutes everyday.
Eat Healthy
Unhealthy meals adversely affects your brain and mood and is therefore a bad choice for anyone battling depression.
1) Don't skip meals
2) Minimize your intake of sugar and refined carbs
3) Boost your omega 3 fatty acids intake; integrate at least two servings a week of salmon, herrings, tuna, mackerel or supplements in your meals.
4) Vitamin B rich foods such as leafy greens, beans, chicken, eggs or taking vitamin B supplements can also help immensely.
Indulge in 'feel-good' things
1) Get eight hours of sleep each day
2) Get sunlight- enough to brighten up your day but prevent sunburns. Take a walk, sit out in the garden, have your breakfast outside.
3) Care for a pet
4) Develop a new hobby or revisit your former ones.
5) Go out. Take trips to museums, mountains. Travel. Visit other countries.
6) Watch funny movies and listen to music.
If after trying all of these and your depression is still there, please get professional help as soon as possible.